Mindfulness + movement
This may seem a little out there since most of us live our lives with our calendars and to-do lists to check off each tasks. In addition, we also find ourselves with upset stomachs, difficulty falling or staying asleep, frequent colds, etc. My bet is that the connection to you has been severed.
Good news, there can be a reconnection! Let’s start with some definitions:
Mindfulness: noun
the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.
a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
Interception: Latin for “looking inside”
Within the book “The Body Keeps Score”, written by Bessel van der Kolk, he describes how interception can be a tool to working through trauma. Stating how neuroscience research has shown that becoming aware of our inner experience and accept it is the only way we can change the way we feel. He also describes that our conscious brain is primarily focused on the outside world, such as getting along with others and thinking of the future. This focus externally removes our focus from our selves creating a disconnect.
Combining mindfulness and movement can increase your connection to yourself, which actually can improve your mental and physical health. This is our only body that we have: each moment and movement matters.
When we have an understanding of the signs that our bodies are trying to relay to us we are more equipped to resolve the warning signs and heal faster when we are sick. Honestly, I’ve experienced it myself. Have you ever wondered how the people who do “everything” are never sick? It’s likely because they have a strong awareness of their inner experience.
Something else that may have crossed your mind being “how is it that some people can develop muscle so much quicker than me?”. Or something like that, maybe?
Awareness and connection to our inner selves improves our specificity of movement. When this improves it is a lot easier to increase focus on the proper muscles and perform exercises with improved form. I know we are not all familiar with anatomy and physiology — I like to think this is where physical therapists can be really helpful! — but you can learn or rather feel what the end goal is to an exercise when it is performed correctly.
Science has even shown increased muscle strength just from thinking about the muscle contracting. Definitely not a massive amount of strength, but a notable amount.
Now, circling back to how our inner connection and awareness can improve our overall wellbeing; do you believe me yet?
mindfulness + movement = increased awareness and potentially faster results
If you would like to try this, but you aren’t really sure where to start join me for a free mindful morning movement virtual class! I host them monthly & would love to have you join!