Quick read Blog Posts:
Why not insurance?
This is a question that I’ve been receiving more frequently lately. How about I share some statistics that have been published…

PHysical Therapy month; October
Physical therapy as we know it today was not always this streamlined. As several things start due to war so did physical therapy.
Back in World War I (1917), reconstruction aides (“re-aides”) were recognized part of the medical team to “reconstruct”...

Barefoot shoes - walking, running, everyday
There is a new trend on social media (specifically TikTok) about barefoot shoes. There is also a lot of truth to what is being said about the benefits of switching to these types of shoes…

What are the foundations of our body?
The human body is a majorly complex ecosystem. If everything works exactly how it “should” then we wouldn’t experience chronic pain, popping/cracking, etc. Although, we are all human and life is constantly throwing us curveballs…

Mental distress directly correlates to physical sensations
I would like to take the time to identify that this is not woo-woo. This is actually science. What makes it woo-woo to a lot of us is that our healthcare society has divided up every aspect of the human body (or rather tried to) and made it so that crossing “lines” is a bad thing and should be avoided. In actuality, we should take time to look and listen to what the human in front of us is saying and progress from there…

What is mobility?
Let’s first start with the definition of mobility: noun, the ability to move freely and easily. What is important to take from this definition is that mobility is an ACTIVE motion. Whereas if we look at flexibility: noun, the ability to bend easily without breaking…

Mindfulness + movement
This may seem a little out there since most of us live our lives with our calendars and to-do lists to check off each tasks. In addition, we also find ourselves with upset stomachs, difficulty falling or staying asleep, frequent colds, etc. My bet is that the connection to you has been severed…