Welcome to The persistence project!

Dr. Paige pursued physical therapy right out of high school to fulfill the desire to understand how movement can improve how the body feels. Following graduation with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Husson University, she was offered a position at Cincinnati VA Hospital as an orthopedic resident. Following residency, Dr. Paige packed up her 2 cats (Oliver and Sassy) and moved to Denver, CO.

The transition from grad student to resident and then to full-time clinician at a private practice was a hard one. There was less time with the people who came in and productivity standards. Both of these restrict the quality of care and requires shorter plans of care. By shortening plan of care, it is often that the journey to prior level of function has just started. This can increase risk of re-injury by early discharge.

By launching The Persistence Project as a mobile practice allows for more time with each client and to ensure quality programming to achieve their goals.

A passion of Dr. Paige’s besides quality and comprehensive care are the foundations of the body and how mindfulness plays into our movement. She finds learning about the human body fascinating. The foundations of our bodies provide us with balance and grace. She firmly believes that if each person can have a firm understanding of these their injury risk will diminish.