Stored truama & chornic pain
There is so much that I can dive into for this topic. Today lets focus on the fact that when we have an injury that is trauma to the injured area, but ALSO trauma to our minds.
So much of our focus on healing is the physical healing, but how often do we spend time addressing the mental and psychological healing thats required from the injury as well?
Often the answer to this question is “rarely”.
Then we wonder why such a large population has and lives with chronic pain. I was one of these humans with chronic pain from age 8 to 24. Pain that did not completely subside until I started addressing the mental side of my pain.
Often I bring up an author, Louise L. Hay. This is because she is known for her work on associating negative thought patterns to physical pains, then provides a positive affirmation.
Maybe this sounds woo-woo to you. That’s okay. I can only share what I have seen work for my clients and what has worked for me. I spent 3 year utilizing this method in addition to my own curated PT exercises to completely resolve my pain. 16 years of chronic pain so easily brushed off by professionals, doctors, etc. as “growing pains” or “that’s just how it is when you run so much”.
This is why I am so passionate about Physical Therapy. This is why I believe it should ALWAYS be a full human approach to healing. Because I was one that was not taken seriously in my human experience. My pain experience. Leading to back-logging traumas maintaining this cycle of mild improvement to worsening symptoms again.
Chronic pain is exhausting.
Healing is exhausting.
The difference is that healing ultimately leads to a calm. A reprieve. The consistency of keeping a promise to yourself. Proving that you are worthy and trustworthy to yourself. That is the game changer.
The Persistence Project is where you can utilize me, Dr. Paige, and my knowledge/experience to aid you in your journey. Everyone has a different path, but if you have suffered an injury that has impacted your life I can guarantee that you could benefit from rehab coaching in the very least to get back to where you were prior to this injury.
Side note: I would say that being pregnant is a trauma to the body as well whether or not birthing occurred. This may just be something we chose rather than something we didn’t expect like a torn muscle, but it still requires significant changes to your body and mind.
Feel free to reach out an book a consult to see if this is something that would benefit you!
The perks of going through the process is being able to help others get through it faster with support 🫶🏼