The quick fix to resolve all your discomfort

I bet this perked your interest. I know that for myself I am always curious what the new “fad” is and how it actually works; although, I wasn’t always this way.

I have a long history of pain starting when I was only 8 years old and running summer Rec Track & Field. This pain went on to bother me until I was 24 years old. Yet, the best advice I was given for the first 8 years of pain was “stop running”.

I don’t know about you, but I wasn’t about to give up something I enjoyed and felt empowered by.

At 16, I was first introduced to physical therapy and my world OPENED UP. I learned that movements, posture, exercises all had an impact on how my body felt and I wanted everyone to know this information… leading me to pursue a doctorate in physical therapy.

Enough of that background. The purpose of this blog post is to convince you that there is NOT one method that will fix everything you are tired of dealing with. Throughout my post-doctorate training I was required to read A LOT of research articles… A LOT.

There was something they all had in common when treating physical pain: a multimodal approach.

Multimodal Approach:

Therapy/treatment that combines more than one method of treatment.

This means that even in healthcare there is not ONE way to improve all your symptoms. If you think about it I bet when you were seeing a specialist you were also taking supplements, change in diet, exercise routine, mindfulness practice, reading, or any other variety of resources we have available to us at any time.

I’ve worked with several clients and patients who are also seeing an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, a pain management physician, surgeon, etc. When we work together and communicate as a team for each client/patient this is when we really start to see significant improvements in overall function.

A non-healthcare example can be intuitive eating, hydrating (at least half your body weight in ounces), intentional movement, mindfulness practice, etc. All of these things are separate and address your body in different ways. When used together the outcome can be miraculous.

If you want to learn more about this join the Mindful Movement Membership or if you’re not sure still join the free class that is every third Saturday at 10am EST/8 am MST.


Stored truama & chornic pain


What are the foundations of our body?