What are the foundations of our body?
The human body is a majorly complex ecosystem. If everything works exactly how it “should” then we wouldn’t experience chronic pain, popping/cracking, etc. Although, we are all human and life is constantly throwing us curveballs.
Let’s first start with the basics; to stand we need a sturdy foundation - AKA our feet. To prevent us from uncontrollably using our underwear as a toilet we need pressure management of our torso - AKA our core (it’s more than our abs 😉). For proper digestion we need to support our gut with good nutrition. For overall wellbeing, our mind and emotions need to be regulated.
Okay, cool. That is actually a lot.
Take a deep breath for me. . . good work, lets continue:
I personally like to start from the bottom - our feet. Think of your foot like a tripod between the big toe, the little toe, and the heel. If we apply equal pressure through each point we can remain balanced unless an external force pushes us over. This works for standing on both your feet or if you’re practicing your balance on one foot. Give it a try. If you’re having a hard time pick one spot that is not moving to focus on while you find equal pressure throughout your foot tripod.
Our feet provide a stable foundation for the rest of our body to stand on or maintain when moving forward, which can also be described as a “controlled fall”.
Our “core” again is more than just our abs and the purpose is pressure management. Therefore, if you’re unable to mange this pressure it can lead to urine leakage, difficulties passing bowels, flatulence, belching, etc. Now how is this something that we can control?
Great question. I would love to explain.
Now if you think of the torso as a can of soda (pop for my mid-westerners) there has to be pressure management of the top, bottom, and in the middle to prevent it from exploding. Our torso is very similar: vocal cords, diaphragm, and pelvic floor.
If you’re next thought is “how do my vocal cords contribute to my core/pressure management?” that is very intelligent of you 😉
In all seriousness, this piece of information was a little mind-blowing for me.
Listening to someone speak can reveal not just vocal quality, but also breath support, pelvic health, and more. Some examples include: presence of vocal nodules, ability to manage stress, acid reflux risk or presence, condition of digestive system, coordination of core to pelvic floor, healthy breath support for voice, dance, and just everyday breathing/movement, risk for chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease prognosis, vagal tone. - Dr. Ginger Garner PT, DPT, ATC-Ret
This was just a brief overview of the body foundations. If you’re interested in learning more about this topic there are 2 options:
Snag a seat for the Body Foundation Masterclass April 24, 2024 @ 7pm EST/5pm MST
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